22 Agustus, 2009

Club 8 - whatever you want

It’s been a while since a Labrador Record release has appeared here so without much ado this is the new single from Club 8. The duo have been around since the mid 90’s and are characterised by Karolina Komstedt’s dreamy vocals and the soft lilting acoustics that provide the velvet scaffolding (courtesy of Johan Angergård). ‘Whatever You Want’ is very impressive, a perfect summer release that is easy on the ear but also stands up perfectly to repeated exposure. As if to seal the deal 2007’s most huggable piece of whistling appears about midway in, waltzing in time with Komstedt’s dah dah do’s. Also included is an old one from the band called ‘Spring Came, Rain Fell’ which is typically as comforting as the news that Club 8 have a new album out this summer. KD

am I ok here? I think you ought to know this
another day, not unlike any other
it’s been like this so long...
are you ok dear? I know I should have noticed
a quiet day, not unlike any other
it’s been like this so long...

whatever you want from me... whoever I try to be
I will never be there... I can never be her... in your society

am I ok dear? I think you want to know this
duties I leave, not to take on another
...and if I don’t fall this night
I will have to go along
unless something strange will happen
there’s still something to be done
this story will go on for long...

whatever you want from me... whoever I try to be
I will never be there... I can never be her... in your society

DOWNLOAD Club 8 - Whatever you want.mp3

HP impian

Bagaimana jika sebuah kreasi seni digabungkan dengan teknologi selular, maka hasilnya adalah Coco Chanel Cell Phone yang memang berbentuk minimalis namun sangat futuristik (asli keren! GW aja langsung tertarik... "Girly" BGT!)

Didesain oleh Fred de Garilhe, Handphone ini ternyata masih merupakan sebuah konsep, namun diperkirakan akhir tahun depan pihak Coco Chanel sudah mulai memproduksi walaupun mungkin masih dalam jumlah yang sangat terbatas, .....OMG! ...kapan kira-kira yaa hadir di Indonesia?

20 Agustus, 2009

Jadi panitia Ospek

...Hatiku mengucap kata merindukanmu
Laksana nyata manis nuansa
Dan jika gemintang tiada lagi melagu
Kisahku yang mencinta dirimu
Kan slalu abadi...

________________________ Gemintang, 2005

Hari-hari berlalu seperti biasa, mungkin karena gw sudah terlalu lelah, t'kadang juga gw coba untuk mengingat-ingat kembali hal-hal apa saja belum dikerjakan atau apa yang sudah gw lakukan hari ini.. entah kenapa kalau pada saat gw lagi sendiri seperti sekarang ini, hati gw terasa resah, padahal tadi dikampus bersama teman-teman perasaan kaya'nya happy-happy aja dan kami seperti biasanya saling bercanda, Ohya!!.. baru ingat kemarin gw abis ngerjain cowo' ngocol yang super nyebelin saat sedang bertugas sebagai panitia Ospek (yg ini sebenarnya gw males bgt), karena sebenarnya ga' tega ngerjain orang yang belum gw kenal baik, tapi lucunya dari kemarin nih anak baru, selalu berusaha merhatiin/curi-curi pandang kearah gw bahkan tadi dia nekat bersiul-siul di dekat gw, langsung aja gw suruh dia menceburkan diri ke kolam ikan dekat kantin, hihi!.. abis itu yang gw tau, dia disiksa sama temen-temen gw yang lain, langsung gw tinggalin aja dan ternyata dia adalah anak dari seorang pejabat tinggi di Republik ini...who cares?! WTF!! dan dari pengakuannya pas diinterogasi temen-temen gw, masa' dia bilang "dia cuma iseng ngegodain gw, hmm... ada-ada aja!!" gw jadi kasihan liat dia (tapi salah sendiri, nyoba2 caper sm gw) senior gitu!!!

...sorry yah! buat seseorang yang merasa abis gw kerjain! :)

12 Agustus, 2009

Paramore - Decode (Twilight Theme)

"Decode" is a song by Paramore released as a single from the soundtrack to the film Twilight. It will also be included in the standard edition of Paramore's upcoming album Brand New Eyes. An acoustic version of this song was released as a part of the special CD/DVD of the Twilight soundtrack. The official music video premiered on November 3, 2008 on MTVu, MTV, MTV2 and on MTV.com and was directed by Shane Drake. The video features the band members walking and performing in the woods, in Nashville, Tennessee (even though in the video, it is clearly supposed to be Forks, Washington). While they play, there are also scenes of the band acting as tracker vampires searching through the woods. Scenes from Twilight are also intercut.

How can I decide what's right, When you're clouding up my mind?
Can't win your losing fight, All the time...
Nor could I ever own what's mine, When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride, No, not this time
Not this time...
How did we get here, When I used to know you so well?
How did we get here? Well, I think I know...
The truth is hiding in your eyes, And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood, But you think that I can't see...
What kind of man that you are, If you’re a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out, On my own
(I’m screaming, "I love you so")
On my own... (But my thoughts you can't decode)
How did we get here, When I used to know you so well?
How did we get here? Well, I think I know...
Do you see what we've done? We've gone and made such fools
Of ourselves, Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools, Of ourselves...
How did we get here, When I used to know you so well?
How did we get here? Well, I think I know...
I think I know.... I think I know...
There is something I see in you, It might kill me,
But I want it to be true...


Over the past two years, Paramore, the rapidly emerging pop-punk quintet from Tennessee, has been building a near-deafening "next big thing" buzz. Driven by riveting live shows and the undeniable charisma of their frontwoman, 18-year-old Hayley Williams, they have captivated an increasingly rabid following. Confronted by the double-edged sword of overwhelming early praise, Paramore has risen to the challenge and recorded an album that happily delivers on all the claims made on their behalf. With their new Fueled By Ramen collection, "RIOT!," they announce that they have the talent, the passion, and the songs to take themselves to the next level.
The band's rise has been the result of consistent hard work since Hayley first met Josh Farro (guitar, age 19) and his younger brother Zac (drums, age 16) while they were together in school four years ago. After adding Jeremy Davis (bass, age 22), Paramore was formed in 2004. They played their first show in Nashville, and were soon building a local fanbase. After just a few months of gigging, the band had their first big break in early 2005, when Fueled By Ramen founder John Janick saw them at a gig in Florida. He was instantly struck by their presence and their dedication, and he immediately signed the band to the label. As Hayley says, "Fueled By Ramen has been amazing to us. So many kids started checking us out because our name is on their roster. It's like a big family; we all share such a massive unit of fans."
Upon the release of their debut album, "ALL WE KNOW IS FALLING," in the summer of 2005, the music community began taking immediate notice of the band. The New York Times and Spin hailed the album, singling out Hayley as a star in the making. Non-stop touring throughout 2006 with bands such as Straylight Run and Simple Plan, combined with show-stealing festival performances at Warped and Bamboozle, continued to build the momentum. The year culminated with a sold-out headlining tour of North America in the fall of 2006, as well as successful tours of both Europe and Japan.
The accolades continued as 2006 came to a close. After an overwhelming response to a U.K. tour at the end of the year, Kerrang! readers voted Paramore as the "Best New Band" and Hayley as the #2 "Sexiest Female." NME named Paramore one of the ten acts to watch in their "New Noise 2007" feature, proclaiming Williams as "young, articulate and with plenty to say." Some bands would begin to get nervous with those kinds of accolades. Not Paramore. "I love getting all the ‘Next Big Thing' notices," says Hayley with a grin. Josh continues, "The first few years everything was new to us and we made a name for ourselves as a band in a lot of places. But with ‘RIOT!,' we're really ready to blow people's minds."
It only takes one listen to "RIOT!" to see the depth of the band's growth in the past two years. Produced by David Bendeth (Hawthorne Heights, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Killswitch Engage), the music has taken on a richer, deeper, more intense tone, without sacrificing any of the melodicism that has been their trademark. As Hayley explains, "For us, the title ‘RIOT!' literally means an unbridled outburst of emotions. When we were writing, it seemed like our thoughts and emotions were coming out so fast that we couldn't control them. It felt like there was a riot within us. So the album takes our passion to a new level; it's just all raw energy."
That raw energy and passion is evident in "Misery Business," a song that has its origins in a message Hayley put on the band's Live Journal page, asking her fans to post what they're ashamed of. "I found that people really were reaching out to someone to spill their guts to," she recalls, "So I did the same thing lyrically in the song and let everything out. It's more honest than anything I've ever written, and the guys matched that emotion musically."
The wryly titled "For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic" stems from what Josh reflects as "putting your faith in someone and they blow it." But in the writing of the song, he saw that his faith in his bandmates was not misplaced: "I wrote the music specifically to be awesome live and to be extremely energetic. It all came out at once. I showed it to Hayley and she just nailed it lyrically. She completely got the feeling I wanted the song to have." And "Hallelujah" serves as one of the album's true anthems. As Hayley recounts, "It's one of the oldest songs we've got, but we wanted to save it for this record, and it's the perfect home for it. It's a claim of victory for both ourselves and our fans."
That connection with their audience is most evident in "Born For This," a song that was specifically written for their fans. "We wrote it as a message to them," Hayley explains. "They're going to take us to the next level. Everything they've done has helped us so much… it's really kept us going." And to drive that point home, the band held an online contest for fans, with the winners getting to sing gang vocals on the song.
"Next big things" come and go, but it is obvious that Paramore has something special – both talent and staying power. "RIOT" is the band's declaration of ambition, musical growth, and dedication. "We all have such a love and passion for this music," says Josh. "We're lucky to have made such a connection with our fans that we're making a difference in their lives." Hayley concludes, "We want everyone to hear this album. We want to take it as far as we can. ‘RIOT!' is everything we ever wanted to say on one album. If it all ended today, this is what we'd want to be remembered for...

10 Agustus, 2009

Ten 2 Five ft A Beat - She wants to (Me vs High Heels OST)

Ternyata alunan musik dari sebuah Soundtrack bisa mempengaruhi minat seseorang untuk menyaksikan film tersebut, hal inilah yang aku pernah alami sendiri... :)

Sebenarnya aku ga' begitu interest dengan film Indonesia, tapi ini semua berawal ketika secara ga' sengaja aku melihat video klip diatas yang dibawakan oleh kelompok "Ten 2 Five" berjudul "She wants to..." Nah dari situ aku juga baru tahu, bahwa lagu ini merupakan Soundtrack dari sebuah film yang berjudul "Me vs High Hells", karena aku begitu suka dengan lagu tersebut, Hal ini membuat aku menjadi penasaran untuk menonton filmnya, namun pas aku mencari di toko dan mall sampai akhirnya muter-muter didaerah Glodok, ternyata baik VCD maupun DVD nya sudah ga' ada yang menjual lagi, alasan mereka film tersebut katanya kurang laku dipasaran...Hmmm!! Lalu iseng-iseng aku mencari di Internet, ternyata akhirnya berhasil juga aku menemukan link-link buat mendownload film tersebut disini, wah! senangnya... makasih yaa! buat mas Adi yang dah kasih tau alamatnya URL nya, juga buat "Movie Freak' dari Indonesia21.Blogspot...

DOWNLOAD Ten2Five - She wants to.mp3

Mp3nya soundnya bagus lho, dikonvert langsung dari CD...sekali lagi makasii yaa buat mas Adi yg dah cape2 mo ngasih filenya...

09 Agustus, 2009

Sick Routin

You're the kind that always loses
Bliss and you are all at odds
You're too sweet when chance refuses
And too clever when it nods...
___________________________ (Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, 1825)________

Lagi bingung sendirian di kamar n' mo mencoba hal-hal baru. sembari ngetik Blog..Nha!! tiba2 gw kaget ternyata si Mbok skrg dah bisa menfoto gw secara Paparazi gitu (pembokat gw emang gaya, semenjak dy beli HP baru) trus sekalian deh gw upload hasil jepretan dy ke FB n' Blog gw lagipula masih pukul 05:52...eh HP gw bunyi lagi, Martha ngingetin gw buat ngurus KRS (padahal secara OL juga bisa) sekalian dy minta dijemput...terpaksa deh gw harus beranjak dari tempat tidur, it's just a sick routin..sucks! ya Tuhan apa yaa rencana Mu buat diriku hari ini? ...sambil ditemani Tahiti 80, gw berkemas nyiapin segala macam keperluan, trus ga' terasa perut gw dah lapar, menu pagi ini cuma roti tawar, smoked beef + susu yang sebenarnya buat gw dah lebih dari cukup, mengingat masih banyak orang-orang yang kelaparan diluar (Adi selalu bercerita/ceramah tentang hal ini terhadap gw) lha koq gw jd inget dy sih..haha! abis sarapan gw panasin mobil, trus baca koran dulu, lalu baru mandi n' dandan buat kekampus..sebenarnya gw ga' suka kuliah walaupun menurut orang2 prestasi akademik gw lumayan (bukannya nyombong lho, IPK gw paling rendah 3.2 dengan rata2 nilai MK A) sampai di dalam mobil hentakan musik Tahiti 80 masih setia menemaniku...

pelan2 gw mulai jalan, semoga jalanan ga' macet dalam hati gw (Doa yang sebenarnya hampir mustahil banget dikabulkan Tuhan) tapi gw santai aja mengingat waktu masih menunjukan 07:29 sedangkan dikampus nanti cuma ngurus KRS doank sementara memang kegiatan perkuliahan memang belum dimulai, trus mampir dulu kerumah sohib gw...eh malah ditawarin sarapan lagi, gw sebenarnya kaget juga liat porsi breakfastnya Martha..pantas bobot lo nambah terus pikir gw...hihi! Martha trus bilang soal tugas gw dikepanitiaan Ospek...Huh! ga' banget deh!! masa' gw disuruh nyiksa anak-anak baru..(bisa masuk Neraka tar gw..hehe!) ..OMG! tiba2 gw baru sadar gw lupa bawa surat rekomendasi dari PA...ah cuek deh! biar tar minta aja lagi sama beliau...